Stringybark Reserve Masterplan

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Consultation has concluded

Barbeque and picnic facilities at Stringybark Reserve

Help us design a park for you!

As part of the Lane Cove Operational and Delivery Plan 2023 - 2024 Stringybark Reserve is programmed for a masterplan. A masterplan will be created to guide ongoing changes and improvements to the park over time - this includes the whole reserve as well as connections from the street and entry to the Harry Howard Bushwalk.

Your feedback will help Council better determine the needs and desires of local residents and visitors to the park when developing the plan.


Stringybark Reserve is a neighbourhood park in Lane Cove North, providing various amenity to the surrounding community. This leafy park currently offers:

  • Play equipment
  • Community gardens
  • BBQ and picnic facilities
  • An off-leash dog area
  • Exercise facilities
  • Tennis wall
  • Basketball hoop
  • Cricket nets
  • Connection to Stringybark Creek bushwalk.
  • Drinking fountain

Council has added to the park over the years, such as the installation of the tennis wall in the 1980's, playground upgrades, and installation of picnic and BBQ facilities.

What is a masterplan?

A masterplan is a guide for ongoing changes and improvements to the park over time. Various elements will be addressed, such as current character of the space, it's uses, the public's needs, emerging issues and the local context surrounding.

Will the masterplan determine the final design of Stringybark Reserve?

The masterplan is to be a guiding tool, therefore further community consultation will occur before any significant changes happen to the reserve.

Why should I get involved?

By contributing to the survey, Council with gather an extensive understanding of what changes are needed at Stringybark Reserve. The masterplan will be shaped in accordance with what needs be prioritised in this space.

Have your say

Consultation for Stage 1 closed midnight Friday 24 November 2023.

Help us design a park for you!

As part of the Lane Cove Operational and Delivery Plan 2023 - 2024 Stringybark Reserve is programmed for a masterplan. A masterplan will be created to guide ongoing changes and improvements to the park over time - this includes the whole reserve as well as connections from the street and entry to the Harry Howard Bushwalk.

Your feedback will help Council better determine the needs and desires of local residents and visitors to the park when developing the plan.


Stringybark Reserve is a neighbourhood park in Lane Cove North, providing various amenity to the surrounding community. This leafy park currently offers:

  • Play equipment
  • Community gardens
  • BBQ and picnic facilities
  • An off-leash dog area
  • Exercise facilities
  • Tennis wall
  • Basketball hoop
  • Cricket nets
  • Connection to Stringybark Creek bushwalk.
  • Drinking fountain

Council has added to the park over the years, such as the installation of the tennis wall in the 1980's, playground upgrades, and installation of picnic and BBQ facilities.

What is a masterplan?

A masterplan is a guide for ongoing changes and improvements to the park over time. Various elements will be addressed, such as current character of the space, it's uses, the public's needs, emerging issues and the local context surrounding.

Will the masterplan determine the final design of Stringybark Reserve?

The masterplan is to be a guiding tool, therefore further community consultation will occur before any significant changes happen to the reserve.

Why should I get involved?

By contributing to the survey, Council with gather an extensive understanding of what changes are needed at Stringybark Reserve. The masterplan will be shaped in accordance with what needs be prioritised in this space.

Have your say

Consultation for Stage 1 closed midnight Friday 24 November 2023.