Dorritt Street No Parking Zone

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Consultation has concluded

Proposal to remove the existing ‘No Parking, 6AM to 1PM Wednesday’ Zone and install fulltime No Parking Area across the park section

Dorritt Street, Lane Cove

Council is seeking feedback on a proposal to remove the existing ‘No Parking 6AM to 1PM Wednesday’ zone on the north side of Dorritt Street (outside 1 Dorritt Street) and implementing full-time No Parking regulations on the park side of Dorritt Street.

Residents have informed the Council that the current restriction does not impede Waste Collection Trucks. Additionally, the Council’s Coordinator for Waste Collection has expressed no objections to the removal of the 'No Parking 6AM – 1PM Wednesday' Zone.

Because of the irregular shape of the cul-de-sac at the street's end and its close proximity to the park, drivers often find it challenging to reverse safely. Both drivers and pedestrians require improved visibility of the road for better safety.

What is being proposed?

In response to these concerns, we are proposing to remove the ‘No Parking 6AM -1PM Wednesday’ Zone along Dorritt Street Lane Cove. Additionally, we propose to install a new 'No Parking' zone across the park side as per attached sketch.

Benefits of the proposal

  • Removing the parking restriction will provide residents with more flexibility and convenience in parking their vehicles along Dorritt Street.
  • The installation of a new 'No Parking' zone across the park area ensures better accessibility for residents and visitors, reducing congestion and improving overall mobility

Have Your Say

Consultation concluded on 13 May 2024.

Next Steps

If you have any questions or would like a printed copy of the survey, please contact or phone 02 9911 3555.

Residents can monitor the progress of the proposal by reviewing the agenda of the Traffic Committee meeting. Meetings are typically held every two months and published on Council’s website.

The agenda contains projects that, following community consultation, are progressed to the Traffic Committee for consideration and Council for a final decision. The Traffic Committee agendas and minutes can be accessed by visiting

Proposal to remove the existing ‘No Parking, 6AM to 1PM Wednesday’ Zone and install fulltime No Parking Area across the park section

Dorritt Street, Lane Cove

Council is seeking feedback on a proposal to remove the existing ‘No Parking 6AM to 1PM Wednesday’ zone on the north side of Dorritt Street (outside 1 Dorritt Street) and implementing full-time No Parking regulations on the park side of Dorritt Street.

Residents have informed the Council that the current restriction does not impede Waste Collection Trucks. Additionally, the Council’s Coordinator for Waste Collection has expressed no objections to the removal of the 'No Parking 6AM – 1PM Wednesday' Zone.

Because of the irregular shape of the cul-de-sac at the street's end and its close proximity to the park, drivers often find it challenging to reverse safely. Both drivers and pedestrians require improved visibility of the road for better safety.

What is being proposed?

In response to these concerns, we are proposing to remove the ‘No Parking 6AM -1PM Wednesday’ Zone along Dorritt Street Lane Cove. Additionally, we propose to install a new 'No Parking' zone across the park side as per attached sketch.

Benefits of the proposal

  • Removing the parking restriction will provide residents with more flexibility and convenience in parking their vehicles along Dorritt Street.
  • The installation of a new 'No Parking' zone across the park area ensures better accessibility for residents and visitors, reducing congestion and improving overall mobility

Have Your Say

Consultation concluded on 13 May 2024.

Next Steps

If you have any questions or would like a printed copy of the survey, please contact or phone 02 9911 3555.

Residents can monitor the progress of the proposal by reviewing the agenda of the Traffic Committee meeting. Meetings are typically held every two months and published on Council’s website.

The agenda contains projects that, following community consultation, are progressed to the Traffic Committee for consideration and Council for a final decision. The Traffic Committee agendas and minutes can be accessed by visiting

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Council is seeking feedback on a proposal to remove the existing ‘No Parking 6AM to 1PM Wednesday’ zone on the north side of Dorritt Street (outside 1 Dorritt Street) and implementing full-time No Parking regulations on the park side of Dorritt Street.

    Consultation has concluded
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