Austin Street Extension No Stopping Zone

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Consultation has concluded

Proposed extension of ‘No Stopping’ Zone Austin Street, Lane Cove

Council is seeking feedback on a proposal to extend the existing ‘No Stopping’ zone along on Austin Street by approximately 20m from the intersection with River Road West.

Council has recently received correspondence from residents highlighting ongoing difficulties entering Austin Street. These challenges arise due to several factors, including the limited width of the road, the presence of parked vehicles, the sharpness of the existing bend, and the elevation difference between Austin Street and River Road West.

What is being proposed?

In response to these concerns, Council is proposing to extend the existing No Stopping Zone by 10 metres. Additionally, ‘Give Way’ holding lines and BB line marking will be installed. The benefits of the proposal include:

  • Helping alleviate traffic congestion, particularly during peak hours, resulting in smoother traffic flow.
  • Reducing congestion and enhance visibility, enhancing safety for both drivers and pedestrians.

Have Your Say

Consultation closed on Sunday 12 May 2024.

Residents can monitor the progress of the proposal by reviewing the agenda of the Traffic Committee meeting. Meetings are typically held every two months and published on Council’s website.

The agenda contains projects that, following community consultation, are progressed to the Traffic Committee for consideration and Council for a final decision. The Traffic Committee agendas and minutes can be accessed by the link: link).

Proposed extension of ‘No Stopping’ Zone Austin Street, Lane Cove

Council is seeking feedback on a proposal to extend the existing ‘No Stopping’ zone along on Austin Street by approximately 20m from the intersection with River Road West.

Council has recently received correspondence from residents highlighting ongoing difficulties entering Austin Street. These challenges arise due to several factors, including the limited width of the road, the presence of parked vehicles, the sharpness of the existing bend, and the elevation difference between Austin Street and River Road West.

What is being proposed?

In response to these concerns, Council is proposing to extend the existing No Stopping Zone by 10 metres. Additionally, ‘Give Way’ holding lines and BB line marking will be installed. The benefits of the proposal include:

  • Helping alleviate traffic congestion, particularly during peak hours, resulting in smoother traffic flow.
  • Reducing congestion and enhance visibility, enhancing safety for both drivers and pedestrians.

Have Your Say

Consultation closed on Sunday 12 May 2024.

Residents can monitor the progress of the proposal by reviewing the agenda of the Traffic Committee meeting. Meetings are typically held every two months and published on Council’s website.

The agenda contains projects that, following community consultation, are progressed to the Traffic Committee for consideration and Council for a final decision. The Traffic Committee agendas and minutes can be accessed by the link: link).

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Council is seeking feedback on a proposal to extend the existing ‘No Stopping’ zone along on Austin Street by approximately 20m from the intersection with River Road West. 

    Council has recently received correspondence from residents highlighting ongoing difficulties entering Austin Street. These challenges arise due to several factors, including the limited width of the road, the presence of parked vehicles, the sharpness of the existing bend, and the elevation difference between Austin Street and River Road West.

    Consultation has concluded
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