Proposed Changes at 221 Longueville Road

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Council received a submission from the owner of Renude Laser Clinic regarding on going parking issues at their Clinic in Longueville Road. They have requested Council to give consideration to the installation of ‘2 Hour Parking’ restriction outside the property to assist their patients.

The proposal is to install ‘2-hour Parking; 8:30am-6pm; Mon-Fri’.

If you wish to provide your feedback, please complete the online survey below by Sunday 4 February 2024.

Residents can monitor the progress of the proposal by reviewing the agenda of the Traffic Committee meeting. Meetings are typically held every two months and published on Council’s website.

The agenda contains projects that, following community consultation, are progressed to the Traffic Committee for consideration and Council for a final decision. The Traffic Committee agendas and minutes can be accessed by the link below.

Council received a submission from the owner of Renude Laser Clinic regarding on going parking issues at their Clinic in Longueville Road. They have requested Council to give consideration to the installation of ‘2 Hour Parking’ restriction outside the property to assist their patients.

The proposal is to install ‘2-hour Parking; 8:30am-6pm; Mon-Fri’.

If you wish to provide your feedback, please complete the online survey below by Sunday 4 February 2024.

Residents can monitor the progress of the proposal by reviewing the agenda of the Traffic Committee meeting. Meetings are typically held every two months and published on Council’s website.

The agenda contains projects that, following community consultation, are progressed to the Traffic Committee for consideration and Council for a final decision. The Traffic Committee agendas and minutes can be accessed by the link below.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
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Page last updated: 16 Feb 2024, 10:38 AM