Kerbside EV Charger Locations

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What is being proposed?

Council is exploring the installation of Electric Vehicle (EV) Chargers in public places as part of its Delivery Program and Operational Plan.

The chargers are being installed by private operators, Plus ES, with the support of funding from the NSW Government. Plus ES were successful in obtaining funding as part of the government’s broader package of $4.1million to install 671 EV charging ports at 391 sites across 16 Local Government Areas (LGAs), with the intent of providing convenient charging options for drivers in high density and busy metro areas. The chargers will all utilise 100% renewable energy.

PLUS ES has identified several sites in the Lane Cove Council Area for potential installation of kerbside EV charge stations on Ausgrid power poles, including:



Pole Number

Parking Restriction

22 Bellevue Ave




396 Mowbray Rd W

Lane Cove North



402 Mowbray Rd W

Lane Cove North



626 Mowbray Rd W

Lane Cove North



642 Mowbray Rd W

Lane Cove North



30 Little St

Lane Cove



43 Little St

Lane Cove



36 Fox St

Lane Cove



3 Bridge St

Lane Cove



64 Penrose St

Lane Cove West



Residents in the vicinity of proposed locations where a parking restriction will be introduced (ie. three locations highlighted above) have recently received a letter seeking their feedback on the proposal of the following:

  • 396 Mowbray Rd W, Lane Cove North: Installation of an EV Charger on Ausgrid pole Number GL90895. This will involve changing approximately one car length of the current unrestricted parking to "2P; 8Am – 6PM; EV Charging ONLY".
  • 626 Mowbray Rd W, Lane Cove North: Installation of an EV Charger on Ausgrid pole Number GL36899. This will involve changing approximately one car length of the current unrestricted parking to "2P; 8Am – 6PM; EV Charging ONLY".
  • 43 Little St, Lane Cove: : Installation of an EV Charger on Ausgrid pole Number GL71792. This will involve changing approximately one car length of the current unrestricted parking to "2P; 8Am – 6PM; EV Charging ONLY".

The other seven locations do not require any changes to existing parking arrangements; EV chargers will be available for use as and when the space becomes available.

Benefits of the proposal

  • Promotes sustainable transport.
  • Enhances convenience for EV owners.
  • Supports infrastructure development.
  • Engages community and raises awareness.
  • Stimulates economic growth in clean tech.

Have Your Say

If you wish to provide your feedback on one of the three locations where a parking restriction is being proposed alongside the installation, please complete the online survey below by Monday 8 July 2024.

If you have any questions or would like a printed copy of the survey, please contact Council at or by phone 02 9911 3555.

Residents can monitor the progress of the proposal by reviewing the agenda for the July Traffic Committee meeting. Meetings are typically held every two months and published on Council’s website.

The agenda contains projects that, following community consultation, are progressed to the Traffic Committee for consideration and Council for a final decision. The Traffic Committee agendas and minutes can be accessed by the link below.

What is being proposed?

Council is exploring the installation of Electric Vehicle (EV) Chargers in public places as part of its Delivery Program and Operational Plan.

The chargers are being installed by private operators, Plus ES, with the support of funding from the NSW Government. Plus ES were successful in obtaining funding as part of the government’s broader package of $4.1million to install 671 EV charging ports at 391 sites across 16 Local Government Areas (LGAs), with the intent of providing convenient charging options for drivers in high density and busy metro areas. The chargers will all utilise 100% renewable energy.

PLUS ES has identified several sites in the Lane Cove Council Area for potential installation of kerbside EV charge stations on Ausgrid power poles, including:



Pole Number

Parking Restriction

22 Bellevue Ave




396 Mowbray Rd W

Lane Cove North



402 Mowbray Rd W

Lane Cove North



626 Mowbray Rd W

Lane Cove North



642 Mowbray Rd W

Lane Cove North



30 Little St

Lane Cove



43 Little St

Lane Cove



36 Fox St

Lane Cove



3 Bridge St

Lane Cove



64 Penrose St

Lane Cove West



Residents in the vicinity of proposed locations where a parking restriction will be introduced (ie. three locations highlighted above) have recently received a letter seeking their feedback on the proposal of the following:

  • 396 Mowbray Rd W, Lane Cove North: Installation of an EV Charger on Ausgrid pole Number GL90895. This will involve changing approximately one car length of the current unrestricted parking to "2P; 8Am – 6PM; EV Charging ONLY".
  • 626 Mowbray Rd W, Lane Cove North: Installation of an EV Charger on Ausgrid pole Number GL36899. This will involve changing approximately one car length of the current unrestricted parking to "2P; 8Am – 6PM; EV Charging ONLY".
  • 43 Little St, Lane Cove: : Installation of an EV Charger on Ausgrid pole Number GL71792. This will involve changing approximately one car length of the current unrestricted parking to "2P; 8Am – 6PM; EV Charging ONLY".

The other seven locations do not require any changes to existing parking arrangements; EV chargers will be available for use as and when the space becomes available.

Benefits of the proposal

  • Promotes sustainable transport.
  • Enhances convenience for EV owners.
  • Supports infrastructure development.
  • Engages community and raises awareness.
  • Stimulates economic growth in clean tech.

Have Your Say

If you wish to provide your feedback on one of the three locations where a parking restriction is being proposed alongside the installation, please complete the online survey below by Monday 8 July 2024.

If you have any questions or would like a printed copy of the survey, please contact Council at or by phone 02 9911 3555.

Residents can monitor the progress of the proposal by reviewing the agenda for the July Traffic Committee meeting. Meetings are typically held every two months and published on Council’s website.

The agenda contains projects that, following community consultation, are progressed to the Traffic Committee for consideration and Council for a final decision. The Traffic Committee agendas and minutes can be accessed by the link below.

  • Council is currently in discussions with PLUS ES for the installation of kerbside EV charge stations on Ausgrid power poles.

    PLUS ES has identified several sites in the Lane Cove Council Area for potential installation and three of these locations are accompanied by a proposed parking restriction.

    This survey seeks feedback in relation to these locations.

    Take Survey
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Page last updated: 21 Jun 2024, 01:11 PM