Where are the Greenwich Baths located?

    Albert St, Greenwich

    Is the site Council owned / community land?

    Yes, it is a combination of Council and Crown Land which Council manages under its Community Land Plan of Management

    Does an operator / manager pay rent to Council?


    Why is the community being asked for feedback on management of the Greenwich Baths ?

    Council resolved at its September meeting to undertake community consultation in advance of determining / voting on the most appropriate operating / management model.

    Is the operator / manager responsible for maintenance and repairs ?

    Yes, with the exception of: the aquatic boom to prevent refuse coming ashore and / or entering the swimming net; the shark (swimming) net; the caretakers cottage; sand moving prior to commencement of the season; and a bi-annual pumping of the sewer. All of which is managed by Council via an annual budget of $29,000.

    Is the operator / manager responsible for cleaning ?


    What does unsupervised refer to in the options?

    No lifeguards, visitors swim and attend the baths at their own risk.

    In an unsupervised environment, do I pay an entry fee to swim at the Baths ?


    What are the entry fees ?

    Visitor category

    Casual Entry

    10 Visit Pass

    Season Pass











