Meet Your Neighbours 2025 Expression of Interest

Council is reimbursing residents up to $250 for hosting a ‘Meet Your Neighbours’ event. The initiative builds on the success of the previous years which aimed to build a sense of connection and belonging within Lane Cove.

This initiative is being delivered to support the Relationships Australia, Neighbours Every Day campaign, which promotes social connection and encourages people to build positive relationships with their neighbours.   

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What type of dwelling do you live in?

* required
For example, will it be everyone in your apartment building - being approximately 30 people or everyone from houses 1-20 on your street - being approximately 40 people.
For example, do you have a whatsapp group chat, or a facebook page, or would a letter box drop work best?
For example, is there a park near by and easily accessible for everyone or is there is an available shared space in the building (please note, you may require strata approval for this)?